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Television Installation

TV Boxes in Hall

Is the idea of having your staff install new TV’s just too much to handle? Do you need TV’s installed, programmed and set-up professionally and correctly? If so, we are company for you.

Hotel High Definition provides turn-key TV installation services from unpacking, inventory and installation to removal of the old units. We’ll make sure that you new TV’s are set-up and working properly. We’ll interface with you existing content provider to assure proper programming and operation. To prevent theft, we can use special hardware to curtail removing the unit.

Our standard installation includes:
-Removal of old set to designated on-site location (i.e. meeting room)
-Unpacking and assembly of new set
-Debris removal to customer dumpster
-Mounting of new set (wall or desk)
-Inventory of new set serial numbers, card serial numbers and room number
-Proper programming and set-up of new set
-Necessary “jumper cables” and bolts
-If needed, interfacing with your content provider to assure proper operation
-Staff training on operation of new units